Tag: Google Chrome

Save to Google: how to Tag and sort saved pages in Google

Save to Google feature and how to use it

Google have recently released a new feature called Save to Google. The save to Google tool combines the power of bookmarks with the ability to save your images and store everything in 1 place.

All your saves live at google.com/save

Here are 3 ways to use save to Google:

How do you get your new Chrome tabs looking like that?

Here are 2 of my favourite chrome extensions that make your new tabs in your chrome browser look great.

They always capture the attention of people who see them. These chrome extensions have two different functions. The hardest part is deciding which one to use.

My favourite Chrome extensions for teachers

There are no shortage of Chrome Extensions in the chrome webstore!

To help you narrow down the chrome extensions that are useful for teachers, we have put together a list of my favourite ones. This is by no means an exhaustive list.

If I have missed one of your favourites, please let us know about it in the comment section below.


Multiple Users in Google Chrome

In this post, you will learn how to manage multiple Google account. You’ll discover the best way to be simultaneously logged into all your accounts without confusion and frustration.

Google Chrome Web Apps For Teachers And Students

Last week I posted the answers to some frequently asked questions about the new Google Apps Launcher.  In that post I mentioned Chrome Web Apps, and received a few emails asking about how to use Chrome Web Apps with your

What Industry Are You In?