Drive Performance and Maximise ROI with Independent Audits, Precision Reporting & Meaningful Analytics

At Using Technology Better, we understand that accurate data and insightful analytics are crucial to driving performance and proving the ROI of training investments.

Our comprehensive audits, reporting and analytics services provide the visibility and insights needed to optimise your organisation’s tech adoption and skills development. 

The Problem

Many organisations struggle with quantifying the impact of their training investments:

Lack of Clear Data

Without concrete analytics, it’s challenging to identify skills gaps and measure training effectiveness. AKA, you’re shooting in the dark.

Inefficiencies Unnoticed

Without regular health checks and skills audits, inefficient manual practices continue unchecked, wasting time and resources. So basically, you’re leaking money and don’t even know where the hole is. 

ROI Uncertainty

Organisations invest heavily in tech tools but often can’t quantify the benefits, making it difficult to justify further investments. Meaning, you might be tossing cash into a bottomless pit without knowing it. 

The Bigger Problem

The absence of robust reporting and analytics exacerbates these challenges

Missed Opportunities for Improvement

Without data, it's nearly impossible to pinpoint areas needing improvement or to plan more effective training strategies. You're missing out on levelling up.

Resource Drain

Leaders and managers lack the necessary tools to demonstrate how improving tech skills directly saves time and money. You're essentially running a race with your shoelaces untied.

Stalled Growth

Organisations fail to evolve because they can't measure what's working and what's not. Meaning, you're stuck on a treadmill, working hard but going nowhere.

Your Solution

Our Audits, Reporting & Analytics services tackle these issues head-on, providing:

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Skills Checklist & Org-Wide Reporting

We establish baseline data on employee skills, enabling targeted training interventions so that organisations can pinpoint specific areas where improvement is needed and deliver precise skills enhancement.

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Health Checks and Audits

Regular check-ins and audits for your organisation ensure that any investment in technology and training continues to align with your business objectives so that resources are optimally utilised and future planning is based on solid evidence, not guesswork.

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Adoption Data Analysis

We analyse usage data for internal systems like Microsoft’s Adoption Score or Google. We provide clear insights into how training influences tech adoption and efficiency so that decision-makers can see the tangible benefits of training programs and adjust strategies for maximum impact.

The Results​

Armed with data and clear insights, you can:

Streamline Operations

Identify and rectify inefficiencies to save time and reduce costs.


Through a comprehensive health check and skills audit, a marketing agency identified redundant software tools that overlapped in functionality. By consolidating these tools and providing targeted training on the remaining platforms, they reduced license costs by 20% and decreased operational complexity, leading to smoother project execution and lower operating costs.

Prove Training ROI

Clearly demonstrate the effectiveness of training investments through improved adoption rates and enhanced productivity.


Using our skills checklist and org-wide reporting, a construction firm established a baseline for employee competencies in using project management software. Post-training analysis revealed a 35% increase in software use, which correlated directly with reduced project overruns and increased on-time project delivery.

Drive Strategic Decision Making

Use solid data to make informed decisions about future tech and training investments.


After our detailed adoption data analysis, a financial services firm identified that their sales teams were underutilising Microsoft Teams for customer interactions and internal collaboration.

Following a targeted training program focused on advanced features of Teams, such as integrated meeting notes, file sharing, and task management, the sales teams improved their collaboration efficiency significantly. This led to a streamlined customer journey, with faster response times and more personalised communication, resulting in a 40% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a notable rise in sales conversion rates.

Our Offer

Partner with us to navigate the complexities of technology adoption. Let's craft a pathway that not only meets but exceeds your expectations

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Customised Adoption Reports

See the direct impact of training on device and license usage, with clear ROI demonstrated.

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Savings Calculator

Understand exactly how much time and money you can save by addressing the skills gap in your organisation with our user-friendly calculator.

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Consultative Support

Our team provides ongoing analysis and insights, ensuring your training strategies continually align with organisational goals.

Your Next Steps

Choose Using Technology Better—your guide and trusted advisor in technology integration.
We’re here to ensure that your technological transformations are not just managed but are a driving force behind your industry leadership. 

Are You Ready to Unlock Substantial Savings and Time for Your Organisation?

Schedule a free consultation with our customer growth specialists to identify your organisation’s training needs. Discover how strategic reporting and analytics can be the catalyst for impactful, data-driven changes in your workplace. 

These are real results from real organisations. Let’s make them a reality for you.

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