Tag: Google Chrome

What is screencasting all about and why should I do it?

Where has screencasting grown from and why should you worry about whether your students know how to screencast their work? This blog takes a look at where this practice has sprung from and investigates the positive effects that it can have for both you and your students.

Create a collection of images in Chrome

Do you often find yourself searching for online images to use and then wishing you could remember where you found certain ones? This blog post will show you how you can curate a collection of these online images using the Chrome web browser so that you can easily access anytime you like.

G Suite - Sweet As. Tips and Tricks from the UTB Team

Google Workspace – Sweet As. Tips and Tricks from the UTB Team.

Here at UTB we do loads of training in G Suite with both corporate and education clients. So often we find that it’s the ‘little things’ that get the biggest reactions from our trainees. These ‘little things’ are usually pretty basic and simple but make a huge impact as they can help to increase your efficiency with tasks that you do everyday.

How to encourage student agency with hyperdocs.

We are often asked how teachers can encourage student agency using digital tools. Here’s an example of one way you can build a task that allows for student choice and differentiation within the activities provided.

How to watch a YouTube video effectively

How useful is YouTube when you are wanting to learn a new skill? You can find tutorials on almost anything! One thing students can often struggle with though, is flicking back and forward between tabs to try something out, then going back to view the next step. Well no more! Read on to find out about a super easy way to enable the Picture in Picture mode.

Is your Google Chrome Browser Up To Date?

Is Google Chrome your browser of choice? Are you regularly diving in to websites and Google tools through the Chrome web browser?
So just when was the last time that you checked it was up to date?

5 Great Chrome Extensions for Teachers

FREE STUFF! Free stuff that’s useful! Even better! Google Chrome Extensions are tools that you can add to your toolbar. There are thousands out there, but this blog post will tell you about five that I found extremely useful in my classroom practice. If you haven’t been using extensions yet, this is a great place to start.

Share to Classroom – Power up your use of Google Classroom

If you are using Google classroom you’ll love the ‘Share to Classroom’ Chrome extension by Google. Teachers love Google Classroom! Many are only just discovering the ‘Share to Classroom’ extension which allows you to ‘Push’ sites to students and create announcements, assignments and questions quickly and easily. Check out this blog post to see how!

Customise your Chrome Omnibox for efficient searching

Don’t you just love being able to search Google straight from in the Chrome Omnibox? But did you know you can customise this to make searching in your Inbox, YouTube or Google Drive super easy? Actually, anywhere that you can search can be turned into a search engine right there in your Omnibox, and it’s a fast and easy process to set it up.


Five ways to get more efficient with Google Workspace for Education

When we asked the teachers we work with what their biggest challenge was in implementing technologies into their classrooms, the overwhelming response was lack of time. This led us to develop the Get efficient with G Suite for Education 30 day challenge to help them learn how to save time with the tools they already have. In this blog post, we bring you five of the efficiency tips that feature in the challenge.


How to stop signing in and out of your Google accounts in Chrome

If you have a business or school Google account (often called a G Suite account), then chances are you have a personal Google account as well. One of the most common things we see when training people who are beginning to use Google tools is the frustration that signing in and out of different accounts can cause.

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