Category: Classroom Management

Teaching Generation Z

I came across the following picture yesterday that made me smile. Researchers say that if you look at the brains of our generation Z students (the latest group of students to start school) and compare that with a brain of

How to Use Twitter in the Classroom

Have you looked at Twitter and wondered what all the fuss is about?  Over the last few months I have been showing teachers how to use twitter to build their PLN (Professional Learning Network).  Whilst doing this I have found

Teacher Motivation Explained Part 2

In the previous post,  we looked at one aspect of our personality that affects our motivation as a teacher.  Today I want to look at the second aspect of our personality that affects our motivation as well as the motivation

Teacher Motivation Explained Part 1

When looking at teacher motivation, the principles are exactly the same as student motivation.  There is no one thing that you can do to increase your motivation; but every principle that you understand and implement makes a difference. One of

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