Welcome to the last newsletter for 2020.
Put your hand up if you are ready for 2021!? 

You may notice that this newsletter has a different format. One of our core values at Using Technology Better is ‘Make it better’. We were chatting a couple of months ago about what we had learnt (and are continuing to learn) during lockdown, and one of the things that kept coming up was how we can make online education awesome. So we took our learnings and applied them, making our newsletter even better!
You will still get great articles, tips and ideas (this issue is a Christmas themed one), but we have also added a video show for you to watch.
We trust that as the Christmas break fast approaches you will find time to refresh and revive, and we look forward to connecting with you all in the new year.
Introducing The Using Technology Better Show -
practical tech tips for teachers!
Introducing The Using Technology Better Show - practical tech tips for teachers!
We’re excited to finally be able to reveal a little project we’ve been working on… a new way to bring you practical tech tips!
Below you will find the very first (pilot) episode of The Using Technology Better Show. The concept is pretty simple. It’s us, the UTB team, showing you tools, tips and tricks for your classroom and beyond. It’s a 15 minute boost of tech training delivered right to your inbox!
Seeing that it’s now December, we couldn’t resist bringing you some Christmas-themed inspiration! Waiting for you inside our very first show is Donna Golightly with a Christmas Fun Breakout Site, Adrian Francis with a Secret Santa spreadsheet and Paul Hamilton with a virtual 3D Christmas tree.
You will find all the links and resources mentioned on the show below the video. We’d also love to hear your feedback on this new concept, so scroll down to find out how to share your thoughts with us.
The Using Technology Better Show Episode 1 is ready for you!

Links from the show
- Learn how to host your own virtual Christmas party at https://utb.fyi/virtualchristmasparty
- Grab your own copy of Donna’s Christmas Fun Breakout site at https://utb.fyi/xmasfun
- Make a copy of Adrian’s Secret Santa spreadsheet for yourself at http://utb.fyi/secret_santa
- Put Paul’s virtual 3D Christmas tree in your own living room by scanning the QR code below.

Share your feedback
We’d love to hear your feedback on The Using Technology Better Show and how you would like to see us share tech tools, tips and tricks with you in 2021.
Here’s a short (~2 min) feedback form to complete after watching the show. Thank you!
More Digital Technology Themed Christmas Activities
Our resource Queen, Donna Golightly, has an extra little Christmas present for you! She has put together a great collection of more digital technology focused christmas activities. You can find them here.