The Masks We Wear

Dive into Augmented Reality and Digital Storytelling

Program Overview

Unlock the future of digital storytelling with our immersive, tech-driven program. The Masks We Wear blends Augmented Reality with curriculum-based learning, giving students the tools to explore and express themselves like never before.

Whether you’re focusing on digital technologies, literacy, storytelling, or the humanities, this program seamlessly integrates with your curriculum while empowering students with essential digital skills using the latest Apple technoogies.

Watch this example of how students in Chicago used AR to create personal narratives that unveil hidden aspects of themselves through mask creation:



iPads with the Reality Composer App (FREE)

Interactive Exhibition (Optional)

1 x iPhone with Lidar connected to a display (TV or Projector)


In-Person F2F: You nominate the dates (*based on availability)
Option B: October-November 2024


Classroom Years 4-10

Curriculum Integration & Activities:

Curriculum Link: Delve into historical events, cultural diversity, and geography through interactive AR.

Activity: Students use AR filters to transform into historical figures or cultural icons, narrating key events or explorations.

Outcome: Deepened historical knowledge, enhanced empathy, and refined storytelling skills.


Curriculum Link: Develop problem-solving, digital literacy, and computational thinking.

Activity: Students create custom AR filters, telling digital stories while learning coding and UI design principles.

Outcome: Mastery of digital tools, creative problem-solving, and innovation in communication.

Curriculum Link: Strengthen communication and comprehension through digital storytelling.

Activity: Students craft narratives with AR, visualizing complex ideas through characters, settings, and emotions.

Outcome: Improved literacy, narrative skills, and critical thinking.

Curriculum Link: Foster creativity and expression through digital art.

Activity: Students explore AR face filters as artistic tools, reflecting on the fusion of traditional and digital media.

Outcome: Enhanced creativity, understanding of digital innovation, and personal expression.

Pricing Options

Free Icons

Option A:
Face-to-Face Experience

Cost: $2990 (nominate up to 3 classes)

Note: Travel and accommodation included (AU only, dependent on school location)


  • 1 x 1-hour online intro session with teachers (logistics and program overview)
  • 1 x 1-hour session with teachers creating masks
  • 1 full day of face-to-face teaching and creative guidance with students
  • 1.5-hour session connecting masks to the community (online with teachers and IT)
  • Access to student video tutorials on creating AR masks with Reality Composer
  • Digital student workbook
Free Icons

Option B:
Online Experience

Cost: $1800 per school (up to multiple classes)

Note: Shared calendar times (TBA) with other schools


  • 1 x 1-hour online intro session with teachers (logistics and program overview)
  • 1 x 1-hour session with teachers creating masks
  • 2 x 1.5-hour sessions beamed into student classrooms
  • 1.5-hour session connecting masks to the community (online with teachers and IT)
  • Access to student video tutorials on creating AR masks with Reality Composer
  • Digital student workbook

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Upcoming Dates

Below you can find a list of available dates and time slots for:
The Masks We Wear: Dive into Augmented Reality and Digital Storytelling

Step 1: Click on the date and time that suits you below
before clicking on “Step 2: Book Now”. 
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