Tag: Microsoft Office 365

Microsoft Forms_3

Insert maths equations into Microsoft Forms

In a previous blog post we introduced you to the power of Microsoft Forms for creating self-grading quizzes for students. Since then, Microsoft have added the ability to insert maths equations into form questions. In this post, we’ll show you how to use the new feature.

How to Create Self-Grading Quizzes with Microsoft Forms

All Office 365 Education users now have access to Microsoft Forms – a great new feature for creating surveys and quizzes. Anyone with an Office 365 Education account can create a Microsoft Form. Creators can choose to limit respondents to their school or make the form available to anyone. Forms can be viewed and completed on any computer, tablet or phone. This makes Microsoft Forms suitable to use with students, colleagues, parents and the wider community.

How to Refresh printout in OneNote

How to refresh a printout in OneNote

Hi Mike Reading here from Using Technology Better. I’ve got a real short tip for you today. For those of you that are using OneNote or for those of you that are thinking about using it one of the greatest features, I believe, that we have inside One Note is the ability to print pages straight inside our OneNote page.

Office Lens app: An essential tool for your teacher toolkit

The Office Lens App, available on all mobile platforms is an amazing tool.
At a basic level, you can capture notes, whiteboard notes and so on, but it’s integration with both Microsoft and Google allow you to take this tool to another level.

In this office lens example you will see how you can take a printed worksheet and turn it into an editable worksheet in under a minute.

Homework help

How parents can easily see what their child is learning at school

It used to be that parents could look at their child’s school book and feel like they had a sense of how their child was progressing. Now with work being completed on a computer, often that work is hidden behind a username and password.

In this post we show you how schools can easily empower parents to be involved in the learning process as well as improve communication between school and home by simply teaching the parents how to log into their students Google Drive or OneDrive account.

Plus you can download our step by step guides for parents

How To Use Office 365 To Improve User Experience

Microsoft is making some great progress in the cloud collaboration space with their Office 365 product. In this short video, and video transcript we show you how you can increase collaboration and access to your documents with the O365 suite of tools.

OneNote Class Notebook Creator

This short video talks about the OneNote Class Notebook Creator Tool and how teachers can use this for collaboration with their students.

cloud computing

Is your head in the clouds about ‘The Cloud’??

Three of the most common questions I am asked about cloud computing is:

1. “Where is my document stored?”
2. How secure is my data?
3. What happens if the internet goes down?

We answer some of these concerns in this post

What Industry Are You In?