Tag: iOS

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The Notes App – the Hidden Gem on an iPad

The Notes app is what I often call ‘the hidden gem’ of apps. Why? Since like most of us, you have probably opened it up at some stage, typed a few sentences and then overlooked it for apps that can do more of what we need in the classroom. The Notes app is closed, never to be opened again. But the reality is that the simplicity of this app, combined with some great features, makes it a hidden GEM!


How to find Google images with reuse licenses on an iPad iOS

Schools that are using digital tools for learning are developing their student’s understanding of what it means to be a good ‘Digital Citizen.’ One aspect of this is knowing how to use digital content from the web in responsible ways. For example, we shouldn’t just take someone’s photo from the web and use it without checking the usage rights on that image.

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