How many hours are your employees wasting because of the skills gap in everyday tech tools?

On average, employees waste 1-3 hours (minimum) from a lack of tech adoption which usually comes down to lack of understanding and skills.

We know this because we’ve collected the data from thousands of customers in our pre and post surveys.

Which means, we save organisations 1-3 hours minimum , per employee, per week, just from our fundamental training programs. 

These are real results, not made-up numbers we’ve picked to sound good.

Unlock substantial savings and time for your organisation. 

Just fill out the top three fields below to see how effective training can enhance tech adoption and redistribute resources towards key projects.

Partnering with Using Technology Better (UTB) means providing your teams with a consultative, customised training solution that boosts their knowledge, confidence, and skills, and, in turn, their productivity in the everyday tech tools your organisation invests in.

Ready to reinvest those savings into proactively gaining your competitive edge?

Your next step: schedule a free consultation with our customer growth specialists to identify your organisation’s training needs.

It’s the first step toward building an engaged and productive team that excels in tech adoption.

Once again, these results are not fabricated or wishful thinking. They are real results from real organisations, our customers. 

Are you ready to be the driving force behind some impressive changes in your organisation? Let’s make it happen. Schedule that call… now. 

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