Level Up Your Canva Skills

Level Up Your Canva Skills

Boost Your Canva Skills and Inspire Your Students


Mastering Collaborative Design with Canva

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It helps us share it out with other educators! Thank you. We appreciate you! 🙌 

Canva Communicate: Mastering Design and Storytelling

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It helps us share it out with other educators! Thank you. We appreciate you! 🙌 

Canva Create: Empowering Educators With AI And Design Tools

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 It helps us share it out with other educators! Thank you. We appreciate you! 🙌 

Want More of The Canva magic At Your School? Check Out These Incredible Courses

Want Bespoke Canva Training
Tailored to Your School's Vision & Learning Outcomes?

We recognise that each school is unique, along with its staff and students, so we work with schools on developing customised training programs that meet individual staff where they are whilst aligning with the school's strategic goals. Enquire below, and our team will contact you to schedule a call.

Or, if you prefer a more personal touch,
schedule a call with our team to discuss your needs.

Who We Are: UTB - Your Tech Training Canva-Loving Visionaries

At UTB, we’re not just trainers but pioneers in the educational technology landscape. As the only global partner of Apple, Canva, Google, and Microsoft, we bring unparalleled expertise right to your doorstep.

The UTB Way


We Listen

We ask the right questions and
listen to your challenges.


We Customise

We customise a training program
to help your team succeed.


We Deliver

We empower your team to get the most from your technology.

Schedule a call with our team today

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