Category: Newsletter

UTB eNews AU: May 2023

Welcome to the latest edition of the Using Technology Better (UTB) newsletter! In this edition, we want to highlight the fantastic work of our trainers Adrian and Paul, who have been working tirelessly to support schools in their quest to

UTB eNews NZ: May 2023

Kia ora UTB whānau! As we see a rapid shift in the use of AI technology – it is becoming an increasingly important part of education. Schools we are working with are implementing new technologies and digital tools to enhance

UTB eNews AU: March 2023

We feel like we are just getting in the swing of 2023 in schools and have been excited to reconnect with our NZ PLD schools. To get an idea of our days, check out our Instagram account: @usingtechnologybetter. Our whole

UTB eNews NZ: March 2023

We are just getting in the swing of 2023 in schools and have been excited to reconnect with our NZ PLD schools. To get an idea of our days, check out our Instagram account: @usingtechnologybetter. Our whole team is actively

UTB eNews AU: Feb 2023

Welcome back to the start of another exciting year! As the new year begins, our trainers are hitting the road and working closely with schools to set them up for a successful 2023. We are eager to connect with each

UTB eNews NZ: Feb 2023

Welcome back to the start of another exciting year! Despite the rocky start with the recent flooding in Auckland and across the island, we hope that everyone is safe and well. Our thoughts are with those who have been affected.

UTB eNews AU: Oct 2022

With the borders opening up Aussie trainers have been busy supporting schools around the country. Training highlights included a series of Minecraft sessions that Adrian ran in Western Australia and Paul’s Apple creativity sessions with the students at Holy Family Primary School

UTB eNews NZ: Oct 2022

The high demand for training across Aotearoa has made for an action-packed month! Even though it’s been a crazy busy time, we’ve loved every minute. With our two newest trainers on board to help share the load, we’ve had a

UTB eNews AU: Sept 2022

It’s been an action-packed few weeks for Aussie trainers. Now borders are opening up again we’re traversing the travel lounges, treading the tarmac and jumping on planes to take tech training to even more schools and organisations around Australia. While

UTB eNews NZ: Sept 2022

Delivering more tech training than ever before means more teachers and students are achieving more. We love that! And since our Kiwi-based trainers have been flat tack helping more and more schools, we have just hired two new recruits to

UTB eNews AU: Aug 2022

Kickstarting the month was an exciting iPad masterclass, I hosted across the ditch in Auckland. Twenty keen primary and secondary school teachers seized the opportunity to explore the creative possibilities on iPad with me.  It was awesome to see plenty

UTB eNews NZ: Aug 2022

Last month was jam-packed with fun in-person events and workshops around the country. We also welcomed two new trainers to our growing team in Aotearoa who jumped in feet first to deliver their first ever UTB STEAM Camp! UTB’s Apple

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