Category: Professional Development

Enhance your use of the iPad by using these accessibility features

Are you looking to boost productivity and accessibility with your iPad or iPhone for your business or educational needs? Have you struggled with tiny text or wished for more convenient ways to interact with your device? Maybe you know someone with low vision or a hearing impairment who needs more support? Apple has some great

Using the Scratch Backpack in the Classroom

Take your Scratch builds to the next level with the Backpack feature Often, we want our students to code in Scratch, but we don’t want to have to waste valuable learning time finding or recreating all the elements they need to be able to make a game or activity. This is where the backpack comes

Empowering Employee Productivity: Navigating the Tech Training Terrain

Empowering Employee Productivity

In today’s rapidly evolving world, keeping pace with technological advancements is paramount, and HR professionals are pivotal in this journey. However, organising practical technology training for your employees can be complex. Worry not; I’m here to guide you through it! This comprehensive blog post will explore strategies backed by LinkedIn’s Workplace Learning Report data and

How to Set Up Your Google Classroom for Success

You’ve got the Google Classroom basics covered, but your workflow is still clunky and classroom engagement isn’t where you want it to be. It doesn’t have to be that way! Follow these 3 simple tips to streamline your workflow and boost student engagement. Easy peasy. Organise Your Space Treat your virtual classroom just like you

How to Successfully Weather the Season of Change

One thing in life that is inevitable is change. From small changes to the big ones, no matter who you are, what your position, or how you live your life, change is something that will be a permanent theme throughout our personal and professional lives. The key to surviving (and thriving) in the face of

UTB eNews AU: Dec 2021

Even if 2021 didn’t quite turn out to be the year we all hoped for, we made it through! With all the disruptions and lengthy lockdowns for some, you have continued to do your best for your students and your schools. For that, we want to send a massive WELL DONE to you all! As

One Effective PD Method Not to Overlook

When you think about professional learning for your teachers chances are your go-to methods are presentations or training. But there’s one crucial component that’s bound to make a huge impact and get the results that make all the difference; coaching. We unpack why coaching is a valuable method, how to use it, and what to

UTB eNews AU: Nov 2021

In the fast paced world of tech where new developments seem to happen at breakneck speed, it can be a little daunting when you feel like you’re falling behind. Keeping up to date with platform and App updates on top of everything else you already contend with can be downright overwhelming! We simplify what tech

UTB eNews NZ: Nov 2021

In the fast paced world of tech where new developments seem to happen at breakneck speed, it can be a little daunting when you feel like you’re falling behind. Keeping up to date with platform and App updates on top of everything else you already contend with can be downright overwhelming! We simplify what tech

UTB eNews AU: Oct 2021

It’s been a tough term with extended lockdowns across the country. We hope the holidays have given you some respite from the pressures of the lockdown juggle, and have seized the opportunity to refresh and refuel for the final sprint to the summer holidays! We’ve included some bright ideas to ease your lockdown load and

UTB eNews NZ: Oct 2021

Spring is here and after these school holidays, we’ll be on the homeward stretch to Christmas! With the country in lockdown over the past month or so our trainers have been busy! To ease the load and seize the opportunity to turn lemons into lemonade, we offered teachers around New Zealand and across the ditch FREE

UTB eNews AU: Sep 2021

This month we continue to share our top tips, tricks, tools and resources that are bound to engage students and make you more efficient and creative in and out of the classroom. Content Overview 1 Tech Tools for Teachers: Bookmaking system, elink2 Trainer Tip: Apple Keynote3 Learn on Demand: Free 30 Day Access4 Lesson Planning

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